
A Broken Matt Gimmick Coming Soon To The WWE !!!!

The WWE Universe is anxiously waiting for Matt Hardy to debut the infamous “Broken” gimmick on WWE television, but the expectations for the gimmick may be too high, and the fans may not like what is coming. It has been reported that WWE officials have big plans for The Hardy Boyz as the Raw Tag Team Champions, but the powers that be are also planning huge pushes for Matt and Jeff Hardy separately as singles stars as well.
Right now, The Hardys are feuding with Cesaro and Sheamus, who just turned heel at WWE Payback. That feud has begun to pick up momentum. Meanwhile, some rumors continue to surround WWE regarding the company acquiring the “Broken” gimmick. The WWE Universe is anxiously waiting for the gimmick to come to WWE programming, but some people may not be fully grasping what that will mean for The Hardy Boyz.
It’s been reported that if WWE acquires the rights, Jeff Hardy will receive a massive babyface run and could even challenge Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Championship over the summer. The belief is that he would also move to SmackDown eventually because WWE wants Matt Hardy to use the “Broken” gimmick on his own. On paper, all of these plans sound great to the WWE Universe, but there could be a problem.
In some situations, high expectations can ruin a good thing. If something is built up to be the next big thing, then good isn’t good enough. It’s only a matter of time before WWE has the rights to Matt Hardy’s “Broken” gimmick. They could even have the rights already, but many fans seem to forget that WWE would own the rights to the gimmick, which means there could be some changes to fit WWE’s more mainstream audience.
Obviously, Matt Hardy will have a lot of creative input into the gimmick that he made famous. The fans have already adopted the “Delete” chant, and “Broken” Hardy merchandise will fly off the shelves. However, a lot of WWE fans may be disappointed in WWE’s version of the character. Some of the creative ideas that Hardy had in TNA won’t be accepted by WWE officials. A lot of fans will complain that WWE “ruined” the persona.
Thus far, The Hardy Boyz have been playing themselves on WWE television. It’s fun for the fans, but that is not going to last for a long time, especially when the WWE Universe is waiting for the “Broken” gimmick to debut on a weekly basis. How WWE presents their version of the gimmick is important because there will be high expectations. If the WWE Universe is disappointed in the result, the opportunity could be wasted.
It’s been reported that Vince McMahon is not a huge fan of the gimmick, but he understands the potential it could have on WWE television. The WWE Universe keeps asking for it. Eventually, WWE fans will get what they want. One of the biggest concerns is Matt Hardy’s creativity and lifeblood being misused by the powers that be. Most people feel that “Broken” Matt Hardy is a main event star in WWE and potentially a top guy.
If the gimmick doesn’t get over with the WWE Universe because it isn’t authentic enough, Matt Hardy won’t be given the same opportunities to succeed in the main event that Jeff Hardy will. On paper, it makes sense for WWE officials to split up The Hardy Boyz because they won’t kill two birds with one stone if the gimmick fails. The WWE Universe needs to keep their expectations in check and trust WWE officials to try their best.

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