
Sami Zayn Has Big Plan For Wrestlemania

The latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that former NXT Champion Sami Zayn will be in a match at WrestleMania 32. He’s also booked on the annual European tour that follows WrestleMania. So, it looks like Zayn will be called up to the main roster very soon.
Kevin Owens is the current Intercontinental Champion, and a match between Owens and Zayn at AT&T Stadium was suggested several months ago by Bryan Alvarez of the Wrestling Observer. But the match didn’t seem likely because Zayn is scheduled to face Shinsuke Nakamura that very same weekend, and it didn’t seem likely that WWE would have him pulling double-duty on WrestleMania weekend.
Owens wasn’t used on the RAW following WWE Fastlane, which raised some questions about his status for WrestleMania 32. But Owens didn’t waste time answering those questions via Twitter, as he guaranteed that “KO Mania” was still on.
There was also some who thought WWE was doing Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles at WrestleMania 32 after Owens tweeted out that Styles needs to stay away from his Intercontinental Title. But, while Styles vs. Owens is happening, it won’t be happening at WrestleMania 32.

If Zayn does in fact wrestle at AT&T Stadium, there’s really no better opponent for him than Kevin Owens. The two of them have unfinished business, and having Zayn win the Intercontinental Championship in his first match on the main roster would be a great way to bring him in.
Before his shoulder injury last year, Sami Zayn was scheduled to be called up to the main roster, and his match with John Cena was supposed to be his official main-roster debut. But after it was clear that he needed shoulder surgery, WWE decided to call up Kevin Owens in his place.
There’s still no clear direction for Kevin Owens, and with WrestleMania 32 being only a month away, you can bet that WWE wants to give the current IC Champ a direction heading into the company’s biggest event of the year. So, with that in mind, expect Sami Zayn to make his main-roster debut any day now.
Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer has suggested that WWE will end up doing a multi-person ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship on “The Grandest Stage of Them All,” and Zayn could certainly be a part of that, along with AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, and The Miz.
“There will also be a multiple person match of sorts. That is likely for Kevin Owens’ IC title although that hasn’t been confirmed. The idea is similar to last year’s IC title ladder match to load up on good workers (and The Miz).”

WWE did do a multi-person ladder match at last year’s WrestleMania 31, and it was a great way to kick off the show. So, they may end up doing the exact same thing to kick off this year’s show.
As of right now, Sami Zayn having a match at WrestleMania 32 is just a rumor, and it won’t be confirmed until he actually shows up on WWE RAW, and confronts Kevin Owens, or whoever he’s going to end up facing on the show.
There is a chance that WWE may end up throwing him in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, but that seems like a waste, especially because Braun Strowman is currently scheduled to win that match.

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