Roman Reigns Teases A Huge Match For Wrestlemania 32 Main Event !!
This past year’s WrestleMania was supposed to be a big moment for Roman Reigns. It was originally going to be the coronation of Reigns, as he was going to be the man to beat the unbeatable Brock Lesnar, win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and become the new No. 1 babyface in WWE, replacing John Cena. Well, that didn’t happen. The fans rejected Reigns, and plans were changed.
Instead, WWE reacted to the fans heavily booing Reigns and they decided to have another former Shield member win the WWE World Title at WrestleMania, and that man was none other than Seth Rollins, who’s still holding that title.
Rollins won the title via Money in the Bank cash-in, and he stole Reigns’ thunder. In an interview with the Tallahassee Democrat, Reigns was asked who his ideal WrestleMania 32 opponent would be, and he responded by saying that he would love to face Rollins in Dallas next year and take the WWE World Heavyweight Championship away from him.
“No matter what I’m going to always want to take the belt off [Seth] Rollins. He stole my moment [at WrestleMania 31] and I’ll never forget what he did to me. It may look like my hands are full with the Wyatt’s, but Seth is always on my mind. I won’t feel complete until I pay him back.”
Some are expecting that Reigns will once again be wrestling for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at next year’s WrestleMania, as WWE is dead-set on making him the company’s No. 1 babyface. Whether or not Reigns’ title show ends up being a one-on-one match remains to be seen though, as there has been some speculation of a triple-threat match taking place at WrestleMania 32 between the three former members of The Shield, which would make the match Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins.
It’s unclear as to whether or not the fans will reject Reigns for a second year in a row. As of right now, depending on where the show is, Reigns will get booed out of the building. But most of the time, the fans just seem indifferent to him at this point.
There has been some talk of turning Reigns heel by having him turn on Dean Ambrose at some point during their feud with the Wyatt’s, but if WWE is still planning on making Reigns their top babyface at WrestleMania 32, a Reigns heel turn won’t be happening any time soon.
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