
WWE Monday Night Raw 27/03/2017 Results (Updated Live)

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- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a normal intro but we cut to what looks like a graveyard and snippets of The Undertaker's theme. We cut to the RAW opening video.
- We're live from Philadelphia with Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They hype tonight's WrestleMania 33 go-home edition of RAW.
- We go right to the ring and out comes RAW Women's Champion Bayley. She's hype for WrestleMania and talks about her title defense now being an Elimination Match. The music interrupts and out comes Charlotte Flair with a mic.
Charlotte talks about how Sasha Banks used Bayley to get back into the title picture. Charlotte blames Sasha for her not having the title right now. Charlotte rants on how Bayley will leave WrestleMania with nothing - no title, no friends and no future. Charlotte goes on until Sasha interrupts next. She works the mic before a minute before Nia Jax interrupts next. She mocks them for their high school drama and how they trade the title back and forth. She calls them pathetic. Nia says the title will have a permanent home after Sunday when she eliminates everyone. Charlotte talks more trash until Sasha decks her and a brawl breaks out. We go to commercial.

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax

Back from the break and we've got a match. Charlotte and Sasha tumble through the ropes and go at it on the floor. Sasha brings it back in the ring but Charlotte kicks her. More back and forth now. Bayley and Nia go at it but Nia won't go down. Bayley tries to fight back but Charlotte assists Nia. Charlotte works over Bayley in the corner now.
Bayley takes Charlotte to the mat for a 2 count. Bayley misses a crossbody from the second rope and Charlotte turns it back around. Charlotte unloads with strikes and covers for a 2 count. Charlotte wastes some time and goes for the Figure Four but Bayley kicks her out of the ring. Charlotte comes back in but can't stop the tag. Sasha unloads on Charlotte and catches a kick. Sasha keeps control and goes to the top for a crossbody and a 2 count. Nia ends up coming back in and blasting Sasha from the apron to the floor. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Charlotte is in control of Sasha. Nia tags in and drops elbows to keep Sasha down. Nia keeps Sasha grounded on the mat now. Charlotte comes back in to keep up the punishment to Sasha. Charlotte with a backbreaker now. Sasha finally fights them off and gets Bayley the hot tag. Bayley unloads on Charlotte and gets riled up. Bayley with corner moves until she runs into a big knee. Charlotte misses but Bayley suplexes her for a 2 count.
Charlotte ends up getting the Figure Eight going but Sasha makes the save. Sasha sends Nia to the floor and leaps off but Nia catches her. Sasha counters and Nia goes face first into the ring post. Charlotte stops Sasha from coming back in but ends up getting hit with a Bayley-to-Belly for the win.

Winners: Bayley and Sasha Banks

- After the match, Sasha and Bayley stand tall with the WrestleMania 33 banner hanging high. Nia comes from behind and lays them both out. Nia drops a leg drop on Sasha and hits Bayley with the Samoan Drop. Nia waits as Charlotte gets up now. Nia runs her over and stands tall. Nia grabs the RAW Women's Title and raises it after taking a look at the WrestleMania banner. She leaves as her music hits and we go to replays.
- We get a quick look at the Seth Rollins - Triple H feud for WrestleMania 33. Will Rollins be here tonight and is he willing to sign the "Hold Harmless Agreement" in order to fight on Sunday? Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and the announcers plug the 2017 WWE Hall of Fame red carpet pre-show and induction ceremony for this weekend. The one-hour encore presentation will air on the USA Network next week.
- We get a look at Stephanie McMahon firing Mick Foley from his job as RAW General Manager last week. Charly Caruso is backstage with Sami Zayn. She asks him how it feels with his mentor Foley gone. It's been a rough week and feels different without Foley's presence but Sami believes they need to keep pushing on in his honor. Sami announces that he will be in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 33. He knows Foley will be watching at home, so he dedicates the match to Foley. Stephanie appears and agrees with Sami - things are different now. Sami says you have to earn your way under her rule now. She says she wants the Andre trophy on RAW so she needs the best of the best. She makes Sami vs. Kevin Owens in a No DQ match for tonight. If Sami wins, he gets the battle royal spot but if he can't get the job done, he will join Foley in the unemployment line and be fired.

Austin Aries vs. Noam Dar

Back to the ring and WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville is out for commentary. His WrestleMania 33 opponent Austin Aries is out first to the ring. Noam Dar is out next with Alicia Fox.
Fans chant for Aries as the bell starts. The bell rings and Aries immediately nails a corner dropkick. Dar rolls right to the floor to regroup as Aries points up at Neville. We go to commercial with Aries fired up.
Back from the break and Dar is now in control as Alicia cheers him on. Aries fights out of the corner but Dar whips him hard into the turnbuckles. Dar with an uppercut for a 2 count. Aries makes a comeback but drops Dar on his face, which may have been a botch. Aries keeps up the offense and drops an elbow. Aries counters and kicks Dar to the floor. Aries runs the ropes and launches himself into Dar on the floor. Aries brings it back into the ring and hits a neckbreaker over the top rope.
Alicia distracts Aries from the floor. Dar comes from behind with a roll-up for a 2 count. Aries catches Dar with the big elbow and the discus elbow. Aries then sends a message to Neville before applying the Last Chancery. Dar taps out.

Winner: Austin Aries

- After the match, Aries stands tall and stares up at Neville.
- We get a look back at Michael Cole's interview with Triple H from last week. Rollins is here as we see him walking backstage with a crutch. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get another shot of The Undertaker walking through the cemetery. Cole wonders if he's digging a new grave for Roman Reigns.

- We go to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins with a crutch. The ring is set up for a contract signing. Rollins looks up at the WrestleMania 33 banner and fans pop. Rollins calls Triple H to the ring to get this done.
The music hits and out comes Triple H. Triple H warns Rollins before entering the ring - if Rollins attacks, he will defend himself and it won't end well for Rollins. Also, if Rollins attacks before the contract is signed, the match is off. Triple H says Rollins will sit and listen, and get his match. Rollins says he's listened to Triple H for long enough, get in the ring with the contract. Triple H enters and tells Rollins to sit down. Rollins won't sit. Triple H says fine, the match is off. He leaves the ring and Rollins takes a seat. Triple H calls him a good boy.
Triple H talks about how Rollins gives up all his rights with this contract - he can't sue Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, the company or anyone else. Rollins gets it, he just wants Triple H to sign. Triple H runs Rollins down and says the "Ultimate Thrill Ride" may just take him back to Birmingham. Maybe Rollins can get cleared enough to go back to wrestling in front of a few fans at armories. Triple H goes on and guarantees that Rollins won't walk out of WrestleMania. Rollins looks over the contract. He says what Triple H just said is the same line of crap he bought into three years ago but this isn't three years ago.

Rollins has had a lot of time to think while doing rehab and he realized he really liked himself before joining up with Triple H. Rollins wasn't bothered by working armories for a handshake and a hot dog because he loves the business. It's not about fame, money or power, not even about one match at WrestleMania. This is about redemption, not revenge - redemption. Rollins gave up everything he ever had to stand next to Triple H and for what? Rollins goes on and says nothing will stop him from getting back what Triple H took from him on Sunday, nothing will stop him from getting back to Seth friggin' Rollins. Triple H signs the contract and kicks the table into Rollins' bad knee. Rollins goes down in pain. Triple H clears some space and grabs the crutch. Rollins gets up and drops Triple H with the enziguri before he can swing the crutch. Rollins looks to go for a Pedigree but Triple H takes the bad knee out. Triple H goes for a Pedigree but Rollins backdrops him over the top rope. Rollins goes down and clutches his knee. Triple H runs back in but Rollins hits him with the crutch, sending The Game back to the floor. Rollins' music hits as Triple H stands up on the ramp and stares back at him.
- Still to come, Goldberg and Lesnar are here. Back to commercial.

Over The Top Rope Challenge: Big Show, Jinder Mahal, Bo Dallas, Primo, Epico, Goldust, R-Truth, Curtis Axel

We see the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy on the stage as JoJo introduces Big Show first. Jinder Mahal is out next. Jinder puts up a fight but Show quickly eliminates him. Bo Dallas is out next but he doesn't last too long. The Shining Stars are out next but Show takes them both out. Show ends up getting knocked over the top rope after Curtis Axel, Goldust and R-Truth join the group and tip him over the top.
Show's music hits and it looks like he's leaving when Braun Strowman makes his entrance. Strowman speaks from the stage and says if he wanted to, he'd come kick Show's ass right now but that's what everyone wants to see him do. Strowman does what he wants and that's why we will have to wait until WrestleMania. Show yells at him to come take an ass-kicking but Braun just smirks and stares at him. Braun points at the WrestleMania banner and makes his exit.
- We get a look at the tag team match from last week. RAW Tag Team Champions Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are backstage with Mike Rome. They mock Enzo Amore and Big Cass going into their match tonight.
- We get another look at The Undertaker in a cemetery and this time we see him digging a grave. Back to commercial.
- We come back and Graves plugs the WrestleMania 33 musical performance headlined by Pitbull and Flo Rida.
- Charly is backstage with Roman Reigns. She asks about The Undertaker's mind games and Reigns says he's grown, he doesn't have time for that. He's going to go out to the ring and does what he does to send a message to The Deadman.
- Cole leads us to video of WrestleMania 33 hosts The New Day ringing the Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange earlier today. We also see video of the three out and about in Philly this afternoon.
- Sheamus and Cesaro are backstage with Mike Rome. They talk about not letting Mick Foley down when Gallows and Anderson attack. They leave Cesaro and Sheamus laying and use a ladder before walking off.

Neville vs. Jack Gallagher

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville for a non-title match. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Jack Gallagher. Neville refuses the pre-match hand shake and they go at it. Back and forth to start. Neville laughs at Gallagher's antics. Gallagher gets a close 2 count and keeps control. Gallagher with uppercuts. Gallagher catapults Neville across the ring but Neville catches him in a quick German suplex. We go to commercial with Neville in control
Back from the break and Neville continues to work Gallagher around the ring. Gallagher jumps up with a headbutt and they collide, both going to the mat. Neville goes to the floor to regroup. Gallagher ends up pulling out the umbrella and taking Aries down on the floor. Gallagher brings it back in but Neville sends him into the corner. Neville is angry as he takes back control. Neville takes Gallagher to the top for a big superplex into the Rings of Saturn for the win.

Winner: Neville

- After the match, Neville celebrates with the title. We cut backstage to journalist Austin Aries with a special report. He has WrestleMania 33 hosts The New Day with them. Aries asks who they think will win the Cruiserweight Title at WrestleMania 33. They want Aries to show off his hips but Aries is trying to do a serious report here. Aries asks them again who's going to leave their... WWE... Cruiserweight... Champion. Aries dances a bit this time, which gets the endorsement from The New Day. Aries signs off and tells Neville he will see him on Sunday. Neville doesn't look impressed.
- Roman Reigns is shown walking backstage. Back to commercial.
- Still to come, Goldberg and Lesnar are here.
- We go to the ring and out comes Roman Reigns to a loud, mixed reaction.

Fans boo as Reigns mention wining the Royal Rumble in Philly a few years back, then going on to main event WrestleMania twice. He thought that was the biggest moment of his career but he was wrong because this year he's facing The Undertaker and that's the biggest. Reigns says he's going to do what no man has done before him - put Taker down. Reigns says this with all due respect - he doesn't care if you're Bill Goldberg, Brock Lesnar or John Cena. Fans chant for Taker. Reigns says he definitely doesn't give a damn about what Taker thinks because this is his house now, his arena now and this is his yard. The gong hits as fans pop.
We cut to Taker at the cemetery with the shovel. He says Reigns has made a mistake because that ring is Taker's yard and this grave will be Reigns' yard. Taker says the Roman Empire will fall at WrestleMania and the "Ultimate Thrill Ride" will be Reigns' last ride. We see a custom tombstone with Reigns' name and April 2nd, 2017 on it. Taker advises Reigns to live each day as if it's last because soon it will be. Taker tosses dirt as he talks. At WrestleMania, Reigns will... the gong hits in the arena again.

The lights come on in the arena and Reigns turns around to Taker standing in the ring, staring him down. Reigns stares back. As Taker was saying, at WrestleMania... Reigns will Rest. In. Peace. The crowd finishes it with Taker. Taker raises his arms and we get more thunder & lightning. The lights go back out as the gong hits and we go to commercial.
- Back from the break and the announcers go over the WrestleMania 33 Week schedule.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

We go to the ring and out comes Enzo Amore and Big Cass. They do mic work and comment on winning gold at WrestleMania on Sunday. The music interrupts and out come RAW Tag Team Champions Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson for this non-title match.
Gallows and Anderson pose on the stage when Sheamus and Cesaro attack from behind with a ladder. They end up in the ring with the ladder but Cass turns it around on them. The segment ends with Gallows and Anderson sending the ladder into Cass, Cesaro and then Enzo. The Club stands tall in the ring as everyone else is out around the ring.
- Saxton leads us to a Women's History Month video package on Maya Angelou.
- Charly is backstage with Kevin Owens. She mentions tonight's No DQ match against Sami Zayn and Sunday's match against WWE United States Champion Chris Jericho. Owens yells at her and starts in on Jericho. Owens ripped up The List of Jericho last week and will tear Sami apart the same way tonight. Owens says he will take Sami's career away from him tonight, just like Jericho took the Universal Title from Owens. He says that's alright because at KO-Mania 2 on Sunday, he's not just getting even with Jericho and taking the title, he's turning the "Ultimate Thrill Ride" into Jericho's ultimate demise.
- Graves hypes Triple H vs. Rollins as we go to commercial.
- Back from the break and Graves plugs his WWE Network interview with 2017 WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle.
- We get another look at Triple H and Rollins from earlier tonight. Cole leads us to a video package on the match and bills it as years in the making.
- The announcers go over the entire WrestleMania 33 card.

No DQ Match: Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

We go to the ring and out first comes Kevin Owens. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Sami Zayn is out. If he loses, he's fired from RAW but if he wins, he goes to WrestleMania for the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle royal. The bell rings and Owens strikes first. They go at it and unload on each other. Sami with lots of shots in the corner. Owens goes to the floor and turns it around. Owens drives Sami into the barrier. Sami counters another attempt and jumps on the barrier but Owens shoves him off. They fight into the crowd now. Sami sends Owens into part of the production area. Owens sends Sami face first into the front of the announce table. They brawl across the stage area and Sami ends up turning it around. We go to commercial with Sami in control.
Back from the break and Owens ends up dropping Sami with a DDT on the steel steps. Owens brings it back in with more offense. He hits corner cannonballs but Sami catches the next attempt and sends Owens into the corner with an exploder suplex. They go to the floor and Sami hits the big tornado DDT through the turnbuckle, launching Owens into the barrier. Sami goes for a Helluva Kick in the ring but Owens superkicks him for a close 2 count. Owens goes up top for the Frogsplash but Sami kicks out at 2.
Owens yells and goes for the pop-up powerbomb but it's countered. Sami with a Blue Thunderbomb for a close 2 count. Samoa Joe comes to the ring now. He grabs a steel chair from ringside but the music hits and out comes WWE United States Champion Chris Jericho. Jericho comes up from behind and nails Joe, using the chair on him. Owens decks Jericho from the apron. Sami takes advantage and rolls Owens up for the win. Sami is going to WrestleMania for the Battle Royal.

Winner: Sami Zayn

- After the bell, Sami celebrates until Owens drops him. Jericho comes in and unloads on Owens with the steel chair. Fans chant for Jericho as Owens and Joe regroup on the ramp. Jericho takes the mic and adds Owens to The List. Jericho's music hits as Joe and Owens look on.
- We see the locker room doors of Goldberg and Lesnar. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get plugs for tonight's WWE 24 special and this week's 205 Live with Brian Kendrick vs. Akira Tozawa.
- We go tot he ring and out comes Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman.
Lesnar hops up on the apron and the pyro goes off. Heyman does the introduction and stars talking about WrestleMania when the chants for Goldberg's name start. A "Suplex City" chant starts next. Heyman goes on and talks about Lesnar and the WWE Universal Title - he wants it, he needs it, he lusts after it. He continues and says Goldberg is the man but this is The Beast and he's going to chew Goldberg up and spit him out on Sunday. Bad things happen to legit badasses when they get into the ring with Lesnar. Heyman says Goldberg is going to Suplex City on Sunday and he won't be checking out.
The Goldberg chants try to start again. Heyman says we've just heard the last Goldberg chant on a Monday Night RAW. He says WrestleMania should be renamed "WrestleMania 33: Death of a Superhero"... and his client does not fear the Spear but Goldberg cannot survive the F5. The music hits and we see WWE Universal Champion Bill Goldberg walking to the ring from the back. He's alone, no escort around him. Lesnar bounces around in the ring and waits for a fight. Goldberg makes his way out as the pyro goes off.

Goldberg takes the mic on the stage. He says people did not come here to hear them talk, they came to see a fight. Goldberg says since he can't take everyone from Philly to WrestleMania, why don't they bring a little WrestleMania to Philly? The crowd pops as Goldberg walks to the ring. Lesnar meets him at ringside but Goldberg takes him down with a spear on the floor. Heyman checks on Lesnar as Goldberg raises the title in the ring. Goldberg's music hits as Lesnar recovers on the floor. We get replays while Goldberg poses int he corner. We come back to Lesnar and Heyman retreating up the ramp as Goldberg looks on.

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