
What Will Happen On Raw Tonight !!!!!!

The Fallout From Royal Rumble
As you know, one of the WWE franchise’s biggest events of the year, the pay-per-view Royal Rumble, aired last weekend. That puts WWE in a tricky position regarding its weekly Monday night show. The franchise has to continue to build on the storylines that were either resolved, introduced, or continued in the big event, but still keep the weekly offerings fresh and entertaining. That’s not easy to do when one of the biggest events of the year is just a few hours old. Also looming is Wrestlemania 33, the biggest event of the year in the WWE franchise. That pay-per-view event will take place on April 2, according to Rolling Stone. That means the WWE Raw weekly entries will have to build up hype for April, while still being entertaining in their own rights.
Can the weekly Monday night WWE Raw showings stay fresh while still building up the hype? We’ll know one way or the other come Monday night.
Will Goldberg And Brock Lesnar Talk Smack?
As any wrestling fan will tell you, the fights inside the ring are only part of the action. Just as fun for the fans is all of the between-fight smack talk. And if any two wrestlers in the WWE brand have some smack talk to trade back and forth, it’s Goldberg and Lesnar.
In the ring at Royal Rumble, Goldberg made pretty short work of the former MMA fighter. Needless to say, that fight will not be the end of their beef.
Top Rope Press writer Abbey Arthur thinks WWE is investing too much in these two guys.
“We all know that the current plan is for these two to close the show at WrestleMania, and that buildup needs to start now. Most people aren’t going to be too thrilled with seeing these two part time stars headline the biggest show of the year, but that’s Vince McMahon for you. Hopefully tonight, we’ll get either one or both of these men on the show to see where things are headed.”
How Will Stephanie McMahon Handle Seth Rollins?
Raw Commissioner Stephanie has banned Rollins from San Antonio’s Alamadome, and has also promised to confront him on Monday.
Bleacher Report Wrestling writer Ryan Dilbert thinks it’s about time that Rollins’ story started getting some attention.
“WWE has delayed and neglected this story for too long. Rollins has to be obsessed with revenge for Triple H betraying him and costing him the universal title on every Raw from now until WrestleMania. McMahon handing out a punishment on Raw will only serve to further infuriate Rollins.”
Roman Reigns Has Something To Prove
The Royal Rumble was not good to Roman Reigns. He lost the Universal Title match to Keith Owens and eliminated The Undertaker from the big Royal Rumble match – something that isn’t likely to endear him to fans. Needless to say, Roman wants another shot at Owens; will he get it tonight?
What’s Happening On The Women’s Side of Things?
It’s not just male wrestlers who bring the fans to the seats. The women of WWE have something to prove, as well.
Dilbert expects Nia Jax to get some air time tonight.
“It’s clear WWE is looking to build her up at the moment, and that Banks will be one of the women she feasts on. Jax’s roll is likely to continue on Monday’s Raw, be it against The Boss or another enhancement talent.”
Meanwhile, Arthur thinks viewers may see The Queen (Charlotte Flair), get some camera time.
“So, what’s next for the Queen? I doubt we’ve seen the last of her and Bayley, so I am betting we see more of them either on the show tonight or at the upcoming FastLane PPV. There aren’t any other opponents for Charlotte right now, unless WWE finally has Emmalina debut. But, we all know that’s not happening.”

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