Huge Iron Man Match Announced For Road Block

Last night on WWE RAW, new RAW Women’s Champion Sasha Banks decided to challenge Charlotte Flair to an Ironman match, or in this case an Ironwoman match. The last time this match happened with women was last year at WWE NXT Takeover: Respect when Bayley and Sasha Banks fought for the NXT Women’s Title at a time when Banks lost as part of her final push to the main roster.
Both Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair have made history with each other on multiple occasions this year alone after main eventing three times. They were the main event twice on WWE RAW, something no two women have done before them. They also main evented WWE Hell in a Cell, something no two women ever did before. They also performed in a Falls Count Anywhere and Hell in a Cell match. Both were things women have never done before.
When it comes to history, these two continue to make it day in and day out. The idea that something could be added to their rivalry is insane at this point, but WWE somehow managed when adding the Ironwoman match. This match will be thirty minutes long, and the winner will be the woman who has more pins or submissions over her opponent.
This match is known for being brutal and typically awesome each time it has been done with WWE Superstars. If it is anything like the Banks/Bayley match last year, it will surely impress the fans. The question is, will this finally put the nail in the coffin to the Banks/Flair rivalry? It appears so. The plan has been to move from these two by the time the new year hits, which works out well due to WWE Roadblock: End of the Line happening just before January 1.
The Ironwoman match was seemingly put into place because they wanted to make a definitive winner come out of the Sasha Banks/Charlotte Flair rivalry. This typically does end feuds because WWE Superstars cannot really complain. The match works like any normal match where count outs and DQs can occur, and the only way to win is by pinfall or submission.
Normally, you have an hour to get as many wins as possible, but for women, the match was cut down to thirty minutes instead. The thing is, you have all this time to win, and you cannot really complain about one person getting a lucky pin or submission in. You could always try to come back and get one yourself to tie things up. This makes the rivalry come to an end for most because there is no way you could make a storyline around one person getting cheated and somehow deserving of another title match.
WWE is also planning to move toward WrestleMania 33 where Bayley is still scheduled to take on Sasha Banks according to The Wrestling Observer. With Emma returning next week to television, and the possible addition of Mickie James eventually, the WWE might have a way to move on from the Charlotte Flair rivalry easily. For the most part, WWE has had a lot of trouble moving on due to the lack of women on the WWE RAW roster being worthy of a top spot.
Paige and Summer are out due to injury, and Dana Brooke and Nia Jax are still not ready for prime time. Meanwhile, Alicia Fox does not fit in a top due to the fact that she never comes off as a credible threat despite her insane gimmick. The only worthy person is Bayley, but with Emma returning, she would certainly be deserving of a top role as well. WWE has been building her return up massively every week to a point where it is a running gag among fans about Emma never returning.
It would not be shocking whatsoever if Emma returned and went right after Sasha Banks after her match with Charlotte Flair. It could be done for a few months, and by that time, WrestleMania 33 would be upon us, and Bayley would be an easy transition point.
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