
WWE Monday Night Raw Results (Updated Live )

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Still recovering from last night’s Hell in a Cell PPV, the WWE Superstars on the Monday Night Raw roster will be forced to set their differences aside as they prepare to battle the crew from SmackDown Live for brand supremacy at the Survivor Series in less than three weeks. With Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan having already announced Nikki Bella as the captain of their women’s team and The Hype Bros as the first confirmation for their 10-man tag team, will Commissioner Stephanie McMahon and General Manager Mick Foley choose the first members of their Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Matches on WWE Raw tonight?

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- We're live from Hartford, CT as tonight's WWE RAW kicks off with Bill Goldberg's music playing to a pop. We see Goldberg backstage making his way out.
Goldberg makes his way to the ring as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. He's joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves. Fans chant for Goldberg as he enters the ring. Goldberg says Brock Lesnar's name and fans boo. Goldberg says three weeks... we get a "ladies and gentlemen" as Paul Heyman makes his way out to interrupt. Fans boo Heyman as he introduces himself on the ramp, slowly walking to the ramp. Heyman says his client is not appreciative of fans chanting Goldberg's name. The chants start back up.

Heyman says the crowd is pissing him off. He has all the respect in the world for Goldberg and his abilities. Heyman says he knows Goldberg knows he's not a physical threat, which is why Heyman is somewhat comfortable stepping into the ring as Lesnar wanted him to do. Goldberg stares Heyman down as he slowly makes his way into the ring. More Goldberg chants. Heyman goes on and says Goldberg has quite the streak over Lesnar right now, 1-0, but Lesnar conquers streaks. Heyman says Lesnar has decided not to wait until November 20th at Survivor Series. Heyman says Lesnar wants to face off with Goldberg right here... Heyman introduces Lesnar and the crowd goes wild as his music hits. Goldberg waits for a fight as Heyman watches from the corner and starts laughing. There is no Lesnar.
Fans boo. Heyman says "gotcha" and repeats himself, bragging on how he got everyone in the crowd, everyone at home. Heyman points at Goldberg's son and the disappointment on his face at ringside. Heyman says there will also be disappointment on his face when his dad is beaten, victimized and conquered at Survivor Series by Brock Les... Heyman sees Goldberg getting pissed. He starts copping pleas when the music hits and out comes Rusev. Fans chant for Lana as Rusev takes the mic. Rusev asks Goldberg who he thinks he is. The Goldberg chants start back up. Rusev tells everyone he already knows Goldberg's name. Goldberg thinks he's some kind of superhero but Rusev doesn't think he has it anymore. Rusev goes on and wonders if Goldberg still has the heart. Rusev says Lesnar isn't here but he is. He goes on and rocks Goldberg with a right hand. Goldberg eats it. Rusev goes for another but Goldberg blocks it and awkwardly delivers some knees. Goldberg recovers and nails a Jackhammer on Rusev. Goldberg gets hyped up and turns around to deliver a spear on Heyman. The crowd pops as Goldberg hits the corner to pose.
- The announcers hype last night's Hell In a Cell.

- Still to come, Mick Foley's Survivor Series Address. Also, a Trick or Street Fight with Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Club. Back to commercial.
Trick or Street Fight: Luke Gallows vs. Enzo Amore
Back from the break and there are all sorts of Halloween gimmicks around the ring. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out first. Enzo Amore and Big Cass are out next to a pop. They're dressed as Buzz and Woody from Toy Story. They cut promos on Gallows and Anderson, promising to beat them to infinity and beyond. The bell rings and Gallows sends Enzo to the floor early on.

Enzo drops Gallows on the floor with a baseball slide and beats him with a skeleton. Enzo puts Gallows face first into a bobbing-for-apples bucket and keeps control as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Gallows is in control on the floor now. Gallows smashes a pumpkin over Enzo. He grabs a candy corn kendo stick and brings things back in the ring for a big clothesline. Gallows places a picket fence over Enzo and hits him with the kendo stick. More kendo shots from Gallows. Enzo fights back and throws pumpkins at Gallows. More back and forth. Cass slides a pie to Enzo. Anderson tries grabbing Enzo but takes the pie to the face. Cass boots Anderson through a table. Cass ends up putting a big pumpkin on Gallows' head while Enzo comes off the top for the win.
Winner: Enzo Amore
- After the match, Enzo and Cass celebrate as we go to replays.

- We see an ambulance leaving the arena. Cole says Heyman is being taken to a local medical facility because of the spear from Goldberg.
WWE RAW Cruiserweight Title Match: TJ Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick
Back from the break and out comes TJ Perkins for this Hell In a Cell rematch. New WWE RAW Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick is out next as JoJo makes the introduction.
Kendrick cuts a promo on his way to the ring and brags about last night's win. Kendrick says he never needed Perkins to let him win, he was just playing mind games and playing off Perkins' sympathies. Kendrick says he hopes Perkins has a plan to get the title back because we better believe he has a plan on how to keep it. The bell rings and Perkins unloads to start. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Perkins drops Kendrick with a dropkick. More back and forth but Perkins plants Kendrick on his face. Perkins keeps control and springboards in with a dropkick to the back of the neck. Perkins drops Kendrick with knees to the gut for a 2 count. Perkins goes for the kneebar but Kendrick makes it to the bottom rope. Perkins goes to the top but Kendrick crotches him. Perkins knocks Kendrick back and sends him over the top rope with a big hurricanrana. Perkins also lands on the floor and hit his head on the apron.
The referee counts but both look to make it back in the ring. Kendrick gets himself counted out on purpose to retain.
Winner by Count Out: TJ Perkins
- After the bell, Kendrick makes his exit but Perkins attacks on the ramp. Perkins applies the kneebar and won't let up as referees try to get him off. Perkins' music hits as Kendrick clutches his title on the floor.
- RAW General Manager Mick Foley is backstage talking to a staffer about Negan's bat in The Walking Dead. Braun Strowman walks up and says he wants to be a part of Team RAW at Survivor Series. Braun talks about what he's done and says he's getting tired of this, Foley knows what he's capable of and he wants real competition. Braun says he will destroy half of the roster right now unless Foley gives him what he wants. Foley reveals a battle royal for tonight and says the winner will be on Team RAW. Foley tells Braun to go earn his Survivor Series spot and wishes him a Happy Halloween. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Mick Foley for his Survivor Series Address. He praises everyone for Hell In a Cell and says he's proud of everyone, except for Chris Jericho and WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens. Everything they did to Seth Rollinswas technically legal but... the music interrupts and out come Owens and Jericho.

Owens and Jericho claim they stole the show at Hell In a Cell in the main event. They get Foley to admit he needs them for Team RAW at Survivor Series. Owens and Jericho continue knocking Foley and the fans in Hartford. Foley yells at them both for making a mockery of the Cell. They go on with talk on the mic and Foley says Stephanie McMahonjust wanted Owens on the team. Foley says Stephanie was furious last night and he had to beg her not to go out and suspend Jericho because he needs them to help beat Team SmackDown. Foley says he needs them both but he also needs someone he can trust, not just a guy but The Guy. The music hits and out comes WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns.

- Back from the break and out comes Mick Foley for his Survivor Series Address. He praises everyone for Hell In a Cell and says he's proud of everyone, except for Chris Jericho and WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens. Everything they did to Seth Rollinswas technically legal but... the music interrupts and out come Owens and Jericho.
Owens and Jericho claim they stole the show at Hell In a Cell in the main event. They get Foley to admit he needs them for Team RAW at Survivor Series. Owens and Jericho continue knocking Foley and the fans in Hartford. Foley yells at them both for making a mockery of the Cell. They go on with talk on the mic and Foley says Stephanie McMahonjust wanted Owens on the team. Foley says Stephanie was furious last night and he had to beg her not to go out and suspend Jericho because he needs them to help beat Team SmackDown. Foley says he needs them both but he also needs someone he can trust, not just a guy but The Guy. The music hits and out comes WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns.
Reigns thanks Foley and says Owens and Jericho aren't happy to see him. Fans chant "Roman sucks" and he wishes them a Happy Halloween. Foley says his wife likes Reigns. This segment leads to Foley making Jericho vs. Reigns for the title tonight.
- We get stills from last night's Hell In a Cell main event. Charlotte Flair will be here later tonight.
- We go to the ring and out comes Sami Zayn for the battle royal. Back to commercial.
Battle Royal for a Team RAW Spot: Sami Zayn, Braun Strowman, Goldust, R-Truth, Curtis Axel, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Bo Dallas, Neville, Jinder Mahal, Cesaro, Sheamus
Back from the break and out comes Braun Strowman as other Superstars wait in the ring. Several Superstars attack Titus to start, including Darren Young. He's dressed as Bob Backlund. Truth, Sami and Goldust work on Braun but he takes them out and runs over Bo in the corner. Braun eliminates Truth. Goldust and Axel attack Braun. Braun eliminates Bo. Neville and Cesaro attack Braun now. Braun continues to take the punishment. Sami with a Helluva Kick, Cesaro with an uppercut and Sheamus with a big kick to Braun that sends him through the second rope. Braun is still in the match as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Jinder is eliminated. Young almost eliminates Cesaro. Sheamus eliminates Young. Sheamus and Cesaro appear to be on the same page. Braun unloads on Cesaro. Axel attacks Braun but gets kicked and then tossed over the top. Axel is eliminated. Sami eliminates Titus. Braun beats Sami down now. Cesaro and Sheamus eliminate Goldust. Sheamus turns on Cesaro but Cesaro eliminates Sheamus. Braun eliminates Cesaro. Sheamus and Cesaro argue at ringside now.
Neville unloads on Braun with kicks but Braun turns him inside out with a clothesline. Braun manhandles Neville and eliminates him. Sami and Braun go at it now. Fans do the "ole!" chant as Braun takes control. Braun with a big splash in the corner. Braun goes to eliminate Sami but he hangs on and they tangle on the apron. Braun powers up and eliminates Sami to earn the Survivor Series spot.
Winner: Braun Strowman
- Braun will join Jericho, Reigns and Owens on Team RAW at Survivor Series. Braun stands tall as we go to replays and see the referees checking on Sami at ringside.

- Still to come, Jericho vs. Reigns for the title. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get a new promo for Emma's return as Emmalina, premiering soon.
- We go backstage to WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. Big E is dressed as Nation of Domination Kama Mustafa, Xavier Woods is Papa Shango and Kofi Kingston is The Godfather. They admit they had a rough night at Hell In a Cell. They take a moment of silence for Francesca 2 but Woods says Francesca 3 is on the way. Kofi reveals that they are the RAW Team Captains for the tag team match at Survivor Series. They talk about some of the SmackDown tag teams to hype the match.
Lince Dorado, Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander vs. Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari and Drew Gulak
We go to the ring and out first comes Rich Swann, followed by Lince Dorado and Cedric Alexander. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari and Drew Gulak are out. The two teams shake hands before the match. Daivari goes at it with Dorado to start.
Back and forth throughout the match until Nese works over Cedric on the floor pretty good. Nese brings it back in and keeps control as Daivari tags in. Cedric eventually drops Daivari with a big kick. Gulak tags in and stops the tag. He drops Dorado off the apron but misses Swann. Nese and Swann tag in at the same time. Swann unloads and hits a Rolling Thunder splash for a 2 count as Gulak and Daivari break the pin. Both teams go at it now. The finish sees Swann get the pin on Nese.
Winners: Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander and Lince Dorado
- After the match, the babyfaces stand tall as we get replays.
- Still to come, Charlotte Flair will be here. Back to commercial.
- The announcers show us a replay of tonight's opening segment.
- We go to the ring and out comes new WWE RAW Women's Champion Charlotte Flair. She has the same special entrance that she had at Hell In a Cell. Charlotte says she made history at Hell In a Cell. She tells Sasha Banks to pull herself out of that hospital bed because there's nothing wrong with losing. She admits Sasha took her to her limits. Fans give her the "what?!" treatment and she calls them peasants.
Charlotte reveals she will be the RAW Team Captain for Survivor Series. She warns SmackDown Team Captain Nikki Bella and says she previously put her on the shelf for one year but will put her out forever if she gets in her way. Charlotte goes on with more bragging and says the title means she's the best in the business. She also calls out SmackDown Women's Champion Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss and Carmella. Charlotte mentions Foley putting Bayley on the team. She calls Bayley to the ring. Bayley is out to a pop.
Fans chant for Bayley but she says it's not about her tonight. She says what Sasha and Charlotte did last night gave her goosebumps. She gives Charlotte props and congratulates her on winning. Charlotte heels on her and asks when will she realize this is not WWE NXT. Charlotte isn't sure if Bayley is a competitor or a glorified fan wearing a Halloween costume. Charlotte calls her the weakest link for Team RAW and says she will be wrestling one of their partners tonight. Bayley says everyone is tired of hearing Charlotte talk. Bayley laughs at beating Charlotte's protege Dana Brooke at Hell In a Cell. Charlotte introduces Bayley's opponent and out comes Nia Jax.
Nia Jax vs. Bayley
Bayley looks concerned as Nia marches to the ring. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Charlotte is on commentary with Dana. Bayley goes at it to start. Bayley keeps using her speed but Nia over-powers with a second shoulder breaker. Nia tosses Bayley around the ring now. Nia with stomps in the corner now. Nia with a splash in the corner. Nia runs into a boot. Bayley slams Nia's head into the turnbuckles several times but Nia whips her hard into the corner and she goes down.
Nia with a bearhug now. Bayley fights back with elbows but Nia ragdolls her. Bayley tries to turn it into a guillotine but Nia rams her into the corner. Bayley gets the submission but Nia over-powers. Bayley lands on her feet and unloads. Bayley with a pair of dropkicks now. The third brings Nia down to one knee. Bayley with a bulldog. Bayley with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Nia flattens Bayley out of nowhere. Nia goes for a leg drop but stops. She drags Bayley to the corner and goes to the top but Bayley jumps up. Bayley goes for a super Bayley-to-Belly but Nia headbutts her. Bayley lands hard out on the floor.
Nia splashes Bayley into the barrier and brings her back into the ring. Bayley kicks Nia as she comes back in. Nia catches her in a Samoan Drop for the win.
Winner: Nia Jax
- After the match, Nia stands tall as we go to replays.
- We get a look back at Reigns vs. Rusev at Hell In a Cell. Reigns will face Jericho later.
- Sheamus and Cesaro are backstage arguing. Back to commercial.
Sheamus and Cesaro vs. The Shining Stars
Back from the break and out come Sheamus and Cesaro arguing. The Shining Stars are out next.
Primo goes for an early roll up for 2. Back and forth until Primo takes control. They keep Cesaro grounded and hit a nice double team dropkick. Cesaro dodges a splash and in comes Sheamus. Sheamus unloads on Epico. Sheamus knocks Primo off the apron and sends Epico to the apron for the forearms to the chest.
Sheamus slams Epico back into the ring and goes for the Cloverleaf. Primo tries to break it but Cesaro uppercuts him in mid-air. Epico taps out to end it.
Winners: Sheamus and Cesaro

WWE United States Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns
Straight to the ring and out comes Chris Jericho with WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens. WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns is out next for tonight's main event. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and we get formal ring introductions from JoJo. Jericho throws his scarf in Reigns' face and attacks him to start. Reigns comes back and drops Jericho with an elbow. Reigns works Jericho over now. Jericho turns it around. They trade several slaps and Jericho nails a dropkick. Jericho goes to the top and shows off as Owens cheers him on. Reigns cuts him off but gets knocked to the mat. Jericho nails a crossbody for a 2 count. Reigns drops Jericho with a big right hand.
More back and forth. Reigns knocks Jericho out of the ring and follows with more offense. Reigns launches Jericho into the barrier as Owens looks on. Reigns brings it back in the ring. Jericho distracts the referee, allowing Owens to shove Reigns into the ring post. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Jericho remains in control. He beats Reigns on the outside before bringing it back in. Jericho with a kick and a few knees now. Jericho goes on and backdrops Reigns for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Reigns makes his comeback and nails the Drive By. Reigns scoops Jericho and hits a Samoan Drop for a 2 count.
Jericho ducks a Superman punch and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Reigns blocks it and ducks a clothesline but eats an elbow and goes down. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but lands on knees. Jericho blocks the Superman punch and rolls Reigns up for 2. Reigns with a big right hand. Reigns runs into a boot. Reigns catches a Codebreaker but Jericho rolls him into the Walls again. They trade more blocks and counters. Reigns with a sitdown powerbomb out of the corner for a close 2 count as Owens yells at ringside. Reigns readies but Owens gets on the apron. Reigns nails him and Jericho rolls Reigns up for 2. Reigns with a big right hand. Jericho dumps Reigns to the floor. Reigns gets on the apron and Superman punches Jericho out of the air off a springboard. Reigns readies and nails a spear on Jericho but Owens breaks the pin for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Roman Reigns
- After the bell, Owens and Jericho continue the beatdown. Fans chant for Seth Rollins as they keep beating on Reigns. They switch from a pop-up powerbomb attempt into a Codebreaker. Rollins' music hits and out he comes limping a bit. Rollins nails Owens at ringside and enters the ring for a Slingblade on Jericho. Rollins dives out into Owens and takes him down. Rollins goes back in and nails another dive on Owens. Rollins springboards back in and hits Jericho with a knee to the head. Rollins calls Jericho a son of a b---h and superkicks him. Rollins goes for a Pedigree on Jericho but Owens pulls him to safety as fans boo. Owens and Jericho retreat up the ramp but Rollins yells at them to come back in and fight. Rollins turns around to Reigns as fans pop. Fans chant "yes!" as the former Shield partners size each other up. Reigns' music hits as they stare each other down from opposite sides of the ring and RAW goes off the air.

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