Daniel Bryan Will Make Huge Decision !!!!!

When the day comes where WWE tells Daniel Bryan that he is going to be a headliner for one of the upcoming classes of Hall of Fame induction ceremonies, the former world heavyweight champion will not need to spend much time mulling over his choices as to who will be the one to do the speech for him. Bryan has publicly stated that he wants longtime mentor William Regal to do the honors, as reported by 411 Mania.
A lot of wrestlers like to tell fans that the industry has been their lifelong dream. Not all of them are telling the truth, as many have turned to the business after trying out other things first. For Daniel Bryan, professional wrestling is his passion. This truly is all that he has ever wanted to do since he was a teenager.
Immediately after graduating from high school in 1999, Daniel Bryan set out to start his career as a pro wrestler. He wanted to attend the school owned by Dean Malenko, who is considered one of the best ring technicians of all time. Unfortunately, though, that school folded. Bryan instead opted to train at the school owned by Shawn Michaels, another all time great. His choices in wrestling schools prove how much of a student of the game that Bryan was.
About a year after graduating from high school, Daniel Bryan had done well enough that he caught the attention of WWE. The company signed him to a developmental deal. Management assigned him to Memphis Championship Wrestling, then a developmental territory for World Wrestling Entertainment.
It was there that Daniel Bryan met William Regal, who frequently worked as a trainer for WWE even when he was an in ring performer. Bryan embraced Regal as a mentor and learned a lot from him. Throughout the years since they were working together, Bryan has not been shy about giving as much credit for his career as possible to Regal.
It would make a whole lot of sense for WWE to allow William Regal to give the induction speech for Daniel Bryan some day.
If, for whatever reasons, management is against the idea of Regal doing the honors, then Bryan already has a backup choice in mind. During a recent interview, he stated that he would love for Kane to do the induction speech as well. Bryan revealed that he and Kane are very close in real life. The two of them formed quite the bond when they worked a program together. Bryan is quite grateful to Kane because he was instrumental in helping Bryan get his Wrestlemania moment.
While William Regal and Kane both seem like logical candidates to induct Daniel Bryan, there is a chance that WWE could head in an entirely different direction. The company has been known in the past to put marketing decisions ahead of wrestling ones, such as when they had baseball star Wade Boggs inducting Curt Hennig and actor William Shatner inducting Jerry Lawler. Fans are usually disappointed when those types of decisions are made.
Fortunately for Daniel Bryan, though, William Regal and Kane are on good terms with WWE. Regal still works for the company in the developmental program. Kane is still an in ring performer, and many expect him to transition to being a backstage worker once everyone has decided that it is time for him to hang up the tights for the final time.
The odds of Daniel Bryan being inducted into the Hall of Fame by WWE are pretty good at the moment. It will remain that way if he does not do anything that might bring negative mainstream media attention to the company.
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