
WWE Raw Accepts SmackDown Challenge !!!

It’s not like we didn’t know this was going to happen, but the latest WWE news confirms that SmackDown‘s challenge to Raw for the Survivor Series has, in fact, been accepted.
The official WWE website confirmed this latest WWE news. The challenge was initially issued to Team Red by Team Blue on the October 11 edition of SmackDown, and it was only yesterday that it was finally confirmed to be accepted. This means that there will be three matches that, for the first time on a Pay-Per-View special since the brand split, will feature fighters from both brands. The WWE calls these battles a “turf war,” but the reality is, it will determine who, in fact, the best fighter from either brand is.
So, which fighters will face off against each other on November 20? Neither the WWE, nor Raw, nor SmackDown has given any hints. But it will be interesting to see who the final winner is during the Elimination Match, which has long been a hallmark of the Survivor Series. The Elimination Match is one that continues until every fighter is eliminated either by disqualification, pin-fall, submission, or count-out.
The face-off between the two brands will feature both male and female fighters.
Meanwhile, according to WrestleZone‘s latest WWE news, AJ Styles will now be facing off against Dean Ambrose on next week’s SmackDown. This bit of news came during last night’s episode of Talking Smack.
Styles, who lost his match against James Ellsworth by a disqualification (which is making SmackDown tout him as “the next unlikely star,” though it’s clear that they only part they got right was “unlikely”), also told SmackDown general manager Daniel Bryan that he was “turning into The Authority” and demanded to have real wrestling matches instead of what he had to face last night. Bryan conceded and scheduled the match between Styles and Ambrose. Bryan also said that if Ambrose won that match, he would have a shot at a title run in the future.
Styles later claimed that Ambrose deliberately set the match up, and accused him of trying to sabotage his career. However, Styles needs to remember that Ambrose is one of the “real fighters” that he so desperately wanted to fight, so no matter how it happened, he got what he wanted.
Finally, according to Bleacher Report‘s latest WWE news report, last night’s SmackDown Live wasn’t what all they were expecting. While Randy Orton defeated Luke Harper by disqualification, it was dimmed by the fact that it was an afterthought to Orton’s on-going feud with Bray Wyatt that really isn’t going anywhere or proving to be of any sort of interest to WWE fans. If even the introduction of Kane and Luke Harper can’t make this feud interesting, it’s safe to say it’s not going to get any more interesting in the future, and SmackDown needs to just give it up.
In addition, the long-awaited debut of Curt Hawkins to SmackDown — after a series of promos — ended up being a bust, as there was no match between him and Apollo Crews. This had more to do with the fact that Curt Hawkins refused to fight than it did anything else, but SmackDown — and the WWE — needs to get rid of Curt Hawkins, and stat. He’s doing nothing but bringing down the SmackDown Live brand, and nothing that WWE Creative can, or will, do will make his character even slightly more interesting. And now that he’s all but refused to fight in his first-ever match, there’s no reason for him to stay on.

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