Who Was The Giant And The New Membre Of The Wyatt Family On ‘Monday Night Raw’?

For weeks and months, there have been rumors that The Wyatt Family would be getting a third member. Remember, they were supposed to get one and then Sting was going to join Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose for a match at SummerSlam, but that didn’t happen. Tonight on Monday Night Raw though, a new member joined the family and made a great debut, but who was that giant?
Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper were in a rematch with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns on Raw, and it looked like the match was coming to an end. Harper and Ambrose were outside, and Reigns was getting ready to finish off Wyatt in the ring.
The lights went out and when they came back on, the giant new member of The Wyatt Family was standing on the ring apron. He took off his black sheep mask, entered the ring and proceeded to decimate Reigns and then Ambrose.
While he has not yet been given a name from WWE, his real name is Adam Scherr, but he’s known on the wrestling circuit as Braun Strowman.
UPDATE: Bray Wyatt later revealed in a promo on Raw that the new Wyatt Family member would keep the name of Braun Strowman.
Strowman was a professional strongman competitor before joining the wrestling world. He signed with WWE back in 2013, and has since been in developmental for the company. He debuted in NXT back in December, and has now made his debut on the main roster.
Earlier in the night, the legendary tag team known as the Dudley Boyz had shockingly returned to WWE and took out The New Day. That in itself was a huge occurrence, but then The Wyatt Family got a third member, and it continued the big night on Monday Night Raw.
One of the big questions now is if the third Wyatt will join with Luke Harper in a tag team or remain as a singles competitor. Erick Rowan and Harper had reunited as a team a couple of months ago, but then Rowan got injured and put on the shelf for a while.
It was expected that they would be a team once again when Rowan healed up, but this debut may have changed things.
As WWE called him in their recap of Raw, this “bearded monster” stopped Reigns from delivering a spear to Bray Wyatt – The New Face of Fear. WWE did make another interesting comment in saying that “if not entirely whole yet, it would appear that The Wyatt Family has, at long last, grown.”
That is worded to make one think that Erick Rowan will indeed be back with the family upon his return from injury.
The Wyatt Family is one member bigger after the events of Monday Night Raw, and Braun Strowman, or whatever WWE will now call him, is a force that Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and many others will have to fight against.
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