Vince McMahon’s Reason For Undertaker Vs. Brock Lesnar Finish Revealed

This past Sunday at WWE SummerSlam, The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar engaged in a match that left many fans in a state of confusion. As Undertaker struggled to escape Lesnar’s Kimura Lock, the timekeeper unexpectedly rang the bell without the referee’s instruction.
The seconds felt like hours as the referee asked the timekeeper what he was doing. It was at that moment that Undertaker capitalized on a prone Lesnar, who prematurely began celebrating what he believed to be was his latest victory. Thanks to a low blow and the Hell’s Gate choke, Undertaker defeated Lesnar for the first time.
According to Wrestling News, the reason for the finish was because Vince McMahon felt that Undertaker needed to win the match. However, he also did not want Lesnar to be defeated in a conclusive fashion. Therefore, he came up with a finish that will have Undertaker recorded as the victor.
But another key for the finish was getting the visual of Undertaker tapping out to Lesnar’s Kimura lock. That gives Lesnar credibility and merit as the winner of the match. Yet, without the referee seeing Undertaker tap out, it may as well not have happened.
The finish of this match is being compared to the match between Bret “The Hitman” Hart and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 13 in Chicago. Austin was drenched in his own blood as Hart squeezed in his Sharpshooter submission hold as tightly as possible. While he never submitted, Austin could not escape the hold and eventually passed out.
WWE announcer Michael Cole described Lesnar flipping the bird to Undertaker as a “last act of defiance.” Never escaping the Hell’s Gate choke, Lesnar did not pass out before showing Undertaker what he thought of him. But the fact that Lesnar passed out, not tapped out is another huge layer to the finish of the match.
Now, it appears that one final match between Undertaker and Lesnar is in the cards next year. The rubber match is not confirmed, but based on Lesnar’s actions and Paul Heyman’s words on Monday Night RAW this week, Lesnar does not want people to believe that Undertaker can legitimately beat him.
On October 3, Lesnar will be back in action at a WWE live event at Madison Square Garden. His rumored opponent is Bo Dallas, who he took to Suplex City on RAW. The Undertaker is reportedly not due back until Wrestlemania 32 season, as noted by WhatCulture. And Wrestlemania is likely where people will see the third and final match between these two men.
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