Huge Update On Stone Cold VS Brock Lesnar for Wrestlemania 32

On the Stone Cold Podcast last week, Stone Cold Steve Austin had the illustrious Paul Heyman on. While the two reminisced about their past, it truly seemed like Austin and Heyman were enjoying themselves on the WWE Network. It’s also easy to say that both men are two of the greatest WWE personalities in history.
Aside from their connection from ECW, they have a current relationship that involves Heyman’s client, Brock Lesnar. The former-WWE champion has ties with Austin, which is circulating around a potential WrestleMania 32 match between the two legends.
Even following the podcast, the Inquisitr reported that the WWE is continuing to tease a future match at WrestleMania 32 between Austin and Lesnar. Paul Heyman did a great job of selling it on the podcast, but there are reservations still on the table about it.
According to Daily Wrestling News, Stone Cold Steve Austin addressed the match on his podcast and dropped some truth behind the WrestleMania bout that may not happen.
“Regarding the exchange between Austin and Paul Heyman at the end of his recent WWE Network podcast, Austin said he didn’t know what Heyman was going to say and that he went into promo mode because it was right for the Stone Cold character. However, Austin said he did not mean to raise the expectation of the fans and his intention was not to set up a match with Lesnar.”
Austin also noted that he and Lesnar would be doing different things moving forward and he wanted to clarify that he wasn’t attempting to tease a return match. Perhaps Stone Cold is playing coy with the WWE Universe and saying a match won’t happen. It’s no secret that every WWE fan, old and new, wants to see the Texas Rattlesnake back in action.
As for Brock Lesnar, his plans of returning to the WWE changed. He wasn’t supposed to return until a few weeks before SummerSlam, but the WWE Creative team moved his return up to WWE Battleground. There’s rumors flying around that he may even return at the June 22 edition of WWE RAW.
Will a match between Stone Cold and Brock Lesnar happen? The chances of it happening are 60/40, in the positive direction. Austin is healthy enough to wrestle, and Lesnar is a safe worker. Even though he’s a monster in the ring, he’s always been safe. Now, a match like this would give the WWE the sellout they’ve wanted for some time now. Vince McMahon wants the WWE to sell out AT&T Stadium. Austin and Lesnar will make that goal much easier to achieve.
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