What Will Happen On Raw Tonight

For the past three weeks, Shane McMahon has been in complete and total charge of Monday Night Raw without anyone getting in his way. While that likely isn’t sitting so well with a few people, no one has stepped up to say anything, but that could all change tonight. Rumor has it that The Authority — Triple H and Stephanie McMahon — will return to WWE television this evening to confront Shane-O-Mac, which could lead to a really big angle.
After losing to The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32, Shane wasn’t supposed to have any control or power or anything in WWE. That was thrown right out the window as Vince McMahon gave his son control of the show, and he’s held onto to it for three weeks straight now.
Fans had to know that, eventually, someone would confront him and look to take control away from him. It appears as if that may end up happening this evening.
There have been a number of rumors going around that Stephanie McMahon and Triple H would be returning to WWE television soon, and it could be as soon as tonight. WWE.com is even teasing that there will be a confrontation between Shane McMahon and The Authority.
First, the preview for Raw talks about how Shane has done really well since being in control, and he brought a great show to London. Still, there are those who are not entirely happy with what he’s done and the power he’s had.
“However, Monday night’s hottest show now ventures to Hartford, Conn., mere minutes from The Authority’s offices in WWE Headquarters.“We haven’t seen Triple H and Stephanie McMahon on Raw since WrestleMania, nor have we gotten their thoughts on Shane-O-Mac’s job performance. Will The Authority arrive to put an end to Shane’s new era, or will they actually deem him “best for business” at the helm of Raw?”
Now, there has been hardly any mention of The Authority since Triple H lost the WWE World Heavyweight Title to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 32. This is really one of the first times WWE has even referenced them.
Maybe they’re just building up the drama, or maybe Triple H and Stephanie will be showing up tonight on Monday Night Raw.
WrestleZone is reporting that Vince McMahon and both Stephanie McMahon and Triple H were originally advertised for the Raw on the night after WrestleMania 32. Vince showed up at the start of Raw and handed control over to Shane McMahon, but his daughter and son-in-law were nowhere to be found.
Things can always change, though, as Shane-O-Mac wasn’t advertised for a single WWE event after WrestleMania, but he’s been the focus of the company for three weeks. That started when Cageside Seats said WWE would have storylines take a break from The Authority angle for a while.
That’s exactly what has happened, but it now appears as if the promotion is ready to bring them back.
If Shane McMahon ends up sticking around a while longer and staying on TV, this could lead to the rumored return of the brand split. WWE’s roster is getting bigger all the time, and it’s with solid, true talent that could, and should, be the focal points of just about any wrestling company in the world.
Allowing Shane McMahon to take over control of Monday Night Raw pretty much wiped out any relevance to his Hell in a Cell match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32. Still, that’s in the past now, and Vince McMahon has allowed his son to have the control. The return of The Authority isn’t confirmed, but even WWE is teasing their return and the start of an angle that could lead to the brand split returning.
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