Seth Rollins Return Date Revealed !!!!!!

Many have been waiting for Seth Rollins to return to the ring, but the knee injury he suffered back in November was extremely serious. At the time, he was given a return time-frame of six to nine months, but fans have hoped he would be back before then. Word going around is that he would definitely be back by SummerSlam in August, but the rumor swirling right now is that he’ll be in Chicago for this weekend and could return at Payback on Sunday.
It was in early November that Seth Rollins was injured in a house show match against Kane. That was when he still had the WWE World Heavyweight Title around his waist. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just a knee tweak, as he tore his MCL, ACL, and medial meniscus, which are about as serious as you can get.
After surgery, it was thought that Rollins would be out closer to nine months rather than six, but that may have changed.
According to Sportsrageous, Seth Rollins is expected to be in Chicago this Sunday, and that just so happens to be the location of Payback. It is not known what he will be there for or if he will appear on camera, but the possibility is truly there for it to happen.
Daily Wrestling News is reporting that he will be there to discuss his return with WWE officials and go over plans for his comeback. He could meet with Triple H and even Vince McMahon about what plans are in place for him for when he’s fully healed up.
While one would expect him to get right back into the main event scene upon his return, it’s not necessarily a given that Seth Rollins will go right after the WWE Title. Depending on what plans WWE has in place for it and the person who holds it, Rollins may not fit into that outline.
Getting him in now to discuss his return would surely mean that he would be back by maybe mid-summer and in line for a program at SummerSlam.
There is still the chance that Seth Rollins could appear on camera at Payback even if he’s not yet considered ring-ready. Getting him to cut a promo or cause a distraction in a match could lead to something in the future and set up a possible feud against Roman Reigns or AJ Styles or anyone for that matter.
Fansided has come up with a number of ways that Rollins could fit back into WWE storylines upon his return, and each of them has merit. He could stay a full-blown heel and side with The Authority again, or he could decide that making a babyface turn is more his speed.
There has been some talk of a reunion of The Shield, where he sides with Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose once again and they become the “Hounds of Justice.” Rumors have swirled around that idea so much that some believe The Shield would feud with WWE’s version of The Bullet Club in the future.
Maybe that would be perfect for WWE if they really do bring back War Games.
Seth Rollins suffered a gruesome and serious knee injury, but he has been training extremely hard so that he can return as soon as possible. Considering how important he is to the company, WWE is not going to rush him back and risk further injury either.
Payback is building up to be quite a good event on paper, and some of the rumored possibilities for what could happen are adding to the hype. If Seth Rollins does return, it’s hard to think he’s already at a point to return to full-time, in-ring action. Returning now though could have him in a position to start a program with someone and prepare him for an active comeback in June or even July.
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